Healthcare Cost Keeps Rising

Healthcare cost continues to rise and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) isn’t exactly affordable at all. The inflation of healthcare is rising faster than the American economies natural inflation rate. What is making healthcare rise faster than everything else? There are many contributing factors and one of the major ones is supply and demand. The demand for healthcare didn’t happen organically, it happened over night. When the ACA was passed the entire United States population had demand, but the supply stayed the same. Sadly the healthcare provider market hasn’t expanded much in response to the demand. There are some new health …

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What Time Should I Work Out?

Have you ever wondered if your work out should be in the morning, evening, or in-between for best results? I have on multiple occasions. I know that when I wake up and work out I have better sustained energy throughout my day and working out in the evening can help with my sleep, but what is ideal?  According to Russel Pate, M.D., and professor of exercise science at the University of South Carolina, “The best time of the day is when you will do it most consistently, because the benefits of physical activity are tightly linked to the amount you …

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What is Zane Benefits?

Here at DesignTM Health, we partner with a company called Zane Benefits. As we continue to look at and promote small businesses I wanted to introduce you to one that is on the cutting edge of what healthcare is and will be. As group health insurance fades away you will see Zane Benefits name more and more often. What’s so innovative and great about this company and who are they? Let me tell you with their own introduction from their website, “Zane Benefits is the leader in individual health insurance reimbursement for small businesses. Since 2006, Zane Benefits has been on …

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Undiagnosed Diabetes?

Did you know that 8.1 million diabetes cases out of the 29.1 million people that have diabetes don’t know it? That’s 9.3% of the U.S. population that have the disease. The 8.1 million could be harming their body while continuing to leave their blood sugar levels out of control. Untreated diabetes takes a toll on your heart and blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, nerves, as well as your gums and teeth. Unfortunately the symptoms are so minimal at first that it is hard to detect. With type 2 people often don’t know until there are problems from long term damage already caused …

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Medicare Isn’t Sustainable

During a New Hampshire town meeting Jeb Bush was confronted by a senior citizen after a comment about entitlement reform. The women commented by saying, “My Medicare right now is wonderful and I paid into it for all these years. Why are you always attacking seniors?” Where Bush called it the entitlement system the woman rebutted that she had earned it. I can see where the woman is coming from in the thought that she has paid into the system, and she has, but not nearly enough to contribute to the cost of her medical care. The level of funding …

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Which Group Fitness Is For You?

I’ve often wondered which group fitness is better for each person as I see different styles and types pop up constantly. You can take your pick these days whether it’s Orange Theory, Curves, Crossfit, Yoga (Allllll the styles of yoga), Zumba, or Spinning. The list goes on and on so which one is better for each body type and moreover which body type I’m trying to achieve. A great article on digs deeper into many styles of working out and the benefits of each. Here are the “Goal” and “Try” snippets from the article: Goal: “I want something to …

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