1/3 The Healthcare Providers?

In a recent Washington Post article it was reported that, “Consumers who bought insurance on the health exchanges last year had access to one-third fewer doctors and hospitals, on average, than people with traditional employer-provided coverage” This is not necessarily a negative though as the smaller networks are typically negotiated contracts with the healthcare provider to offer lower costs which results in a lower premium price. An analysis by Avalere Health said, “Compared with traditional employer coverage, exchange plans had networks with 42 percent fewer cancer and cardiac specialists; 32 percent fewer mental health and primary-care doctors, and 24 percent fewer hospitals.” …

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Which Cardio Is Best?

Many Americans do the ups and downs of weight loss, but never see substantial results. We obliterate ourselves in the gym, but don’t back it up with our diet. The diet is a key part to any weight loss regime, but when I say diet I do not mean a fad or weight loss trick. Your diet is what you eat on a daily basis, it is meant to be your lifestyle. The other component is the gym to help speed up metabolism and to allow your body the efficient tools it needs to burn fat cells. So which Cardio …

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Sleep, How Much or How Little?

The truth is there is no exact science to say exactly how much or how little sleep we should be getting. There is a recommended 8 hours, but that differs up or down depending on age, and is really just a recommended median in a window of time rather than an exact number. It is often hard once we lay our heads on the pillow to wind down and to enter into the first stages of sleep. We get too distracted with external lights and electronic devices that it takes more time to unwind. There are four stages of sleep. The …

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A New Job Doesn’t Mean A Qualifying Event

When the Affordable Care Act started, health insurance enrollment was limited to a three month cycle each year. For 2016 open enrollment is November 1st, 2015- January 31st, 2016, with the first date of coverage able to start on January 1st, 2016. Any enrollment outside of that time has to be triggered by a qualifying event (QE). Although, many Americans find themselves in a rock in a hard place as they are outside of employment and believe that they can get coverage when they start their new job. Unfortunately a new job is not considered a qualifying event. As a Colorado health …

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What Is A Section 105 Plan?

When the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was passed there was a lot of confusion on what companies could or could not pay for when it came to individuals health insurance plans. As employer sponsored health plan prices continue to rise companies needed another option. A section 105 plan enables employers to reimburse employees tax-free for their own individual health plan. According to Zane Benefits, “Section 105 plans are a tax-advantaged employee benefit as outlined in the Internal Revenue Code section 105.” For an employer this means, reimbursements are tax-deductible and payroll taxes (FICA/FUTA) are lowered. This option is much better …

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